Sunday 29 March 2015

Oppinion: IF Buhari Wins... [Must Read]

Sometimes last year audio message by one Pastor Bosun circulated claiming that God instructed him to come over to Nigeria from Germany where he was the National Coordinator of the RCCG.

In the audio, he declared President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as the will of God for this time, to continue in leading this Country.

He mentioned so many strategies by the opposition party to win the ruling party majorly to Islamize Nigeria.

Since then, several other People have had their eyes opened and had the need to look beyond the physical as the physical is controlled by the spiritual.

Personally, I have been praying and meditating on the Word of God since then.

Late last year, I dreamt that General Muhammed Buhari won the election but the aftermath was terrible... You might say it is just a dream.

A day before the election, one of my cousins called me that we will be having a Night Conference Call Prayer with some of his friends which we did. The prayer lasted for more than an hour.

After the prayer, I had an inner witness that President Goodluck is the perfect will of God for this time and also got confirmation from others and particularly, Chris Delvan, a Christian who stays in the North.

His words below:

" #NewNation #OneNigeria #blowthetrumpet #GEJ
#Godis #godisarewarder #herewardsthediligent

Thank God for His mercies and how He has
enlightened our hearts tonight. The #light is
already shining in #Nigeria and the darkness in
her is fading away. So let us go and be bold as
the lion that turns not away from the part of any
beast. Let us go declaring and enforcing the
counsel of God because the devil is a defeated

Let us come out in mass and vote because it is
our right and responsibility. Let us vote according
to the counsel of God. The counsel of God is that
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan continue as the
president of Nigeria. Not that we hate or like any
political party but rather we herald the counsel of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
So let us go in this might and understanding.


Soon after that one, I challenged some Christians to inquire from the Lord themselves.

The problem actually is that many of the people that voted or are still voting didn't ask the Holy Spirit before doing so. Many of them just claimed that that doesn't really concern God claiming he would just chose for us.

So many people (Christians) would claim to know God's will in marriage especially and so on but choose not to know His will concerning politics.

In the Bible, the people of Israel demanded that God give them a King and remained persistent in their request. God had to give them even though He warned them against such. We know how the story ended.

Later, when God was to choose King David, Samuel wanted to use his intelligence and reasoning but God said no. Thanks to God that he heard him then. No wonder the Bible records that God doesn't see the way man sees from the outward, He sees from the inward.

Some years back, people of one state in the South West of Nigeria demanded that they just needed a change no matter what...all their excuse was that they just needed another Governor. They did but they suffer for it for four years of his tenure.

God respects the choice of man but he gives man direction to follow. God gave us direction from different men of His but some of us remained adamant.

I kept asking people, what has God told you about the candidate to vote for but no answer.

Many of them said that we will pray about it if he wins but I kept asking myself "doesn't God prefer obedience to sacrifice?"

Many things to say but let me just stop here...

If Buhari wins, we all should be ready to face the consequence.

God can use anybody to carry out His mandate either Christian, Muslim or any other in a Nation.

Nobody disputes that and All Is Well That Ends Well

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