Sunday 5 July 2015

Kay Spirit Responded to the Rumour about his Ministry

Good Morning everyone, My name is Kolade
Bamigboye Immanuel. Popularly known as
'Kayspirit' by my friends. I am here in respect to
the recent mishappening and misunderstanding of
some of us as regards the platform through which
my ministry was expressed In Ado-Ekiti.

Let me start by introducing my ministry to you

Zoe Apostolic Rebirth is essentially ME
( if the name exist at all). "Voice of the Spirit
Outreach" and "In the Day of His Power" meetings
are platforms my ministry uses to reach everyone.

Its an Apostolic ministry sent to;
✔Bring back to the CHURCH the glory and the
call of the true Apostolic church which has its
perfect resemblance in his heart and to raise unto
him a generation of pationate labourers who will
do according to the bidings of the Lord's heart
and mind.

✔Preaching Christ the Author of eternal
salvation,emphasising that he came in the flesh,
walked the earth, overcame the world and
conquered death.

✔Teaching and encouraging the brethren to do
the same as we fix our eyes on him(Christ) the
Author and the Finisher of our faith.

This work began October 2013.
Of recent I removed the name Zoe Apostolic
Rebirth(Z.A.R) because I was shown by the Lord
that it will hinder the very purpose to which my
Apostolic ministry was raised and get people to
gather around me therefore placing a limitation
and a continuous pattern rather than seeing

I haven't been sent to begin another
denomination or sect, we have enough already!

Everybody who has been blessed at one time or
the other by my ministry, has a uniqueness and
assignment that he or she had to contribute to
the movement of God in our time not necessary
under my work.

Therefore, I HAVE NO MEMBER(S)
in this ministry. People come from there different denominations
just to be a part of what the Lord is doing
through and in me because I am the ministry.

As regards the unruly attitude of some that attend
the meetings, I want to ask, how about the ruly
ones that also attend? I wouldn't have ever
asked anyone to move out of their denomination
or work-force in their various churches because
the question is this; to where?
I don't have a work-force that we can say they
are coming to join. I don't encourage or preach rebellion.

For the brethren in EKSU you know me when I
was amongst you. I served as an executive in the
fellowship under a president who can testify of
my submission to him and your constituted
authorities. It's a pity these affected the
fellowship I served, but I have been to the present
executives to clear these issues with them.

As regards the ones who wants to drop-out of
school, brethren, why is this a big issue? I am not
a Judge of what the Lord can say and what he
cannot. There are a lot of others who attends the
meetings and are graduates now, some in service
already, some in their final year and some others

Why have slanderous men you call your
'fathers' concluded and judge me by this few who
decided to quit.

I have received phone calls and some others a
visit asking me to tell these ones to return to

Listen to me pharisees and saducees of
our generation: I am not the Lord who asked
them to leave school. School leaving is one of the
smallest things the lord can require of us to
follow him.

For many who wanted to be his disciples (we all
have our scriptures), He asked them to forsake
all. That you are so fear-full of what you will eat
and drink and wear does not make 'forsaking all'
not an everlasting standard and requirement for
them that will walk as he walked.

I want to admonish us who judge others by our
limitations to exalt Jesus In our judgements
(John 5:30).

Uhmmmmm, many of us are cool as long as we
can do meetings with big names and themes and
share 'big revs', hearing of the power of the age
to come and never been able to endure the
discipline it takes to live in the reality of these

You can't have two lives! you cant keep your life
and then want his own life. You have to lose one
and keep one.

Rick Joyner said and I quote: "There is no greater
folly than to know the great salvation of the Lord
and then go on living for yourself".

These is the core of my message to the church!

I do not preach sexual immorality because sexual
immortality isn't found in the one I preach "Jesus
Christ the son of the living God". I haven't
finished preaching the mysteries and wisdom in
him then I will go around about talking "kissing"!

Look, what I preach is Christ and the scriptures
tell me when he is exalted he will draw men unto

See, I am not the judge of what sin is or not, the
Holy Ghost is given to every believer to convict
them of sin, righteousness and judgement (John

Conclusively, I am not for division, I am for
Christ! Anything that does not gather with Christ
scatters and every tree that isn't planted by him
will be uprooted. It does not matter how old or
falsely united it looks, Christ is here! He won't
come to take sides, He comes to take over. (Matt

I want to admonish us as I end, to repent of
political and control spirit which is the enemy of
God's movement in every age. I also want to
advise like gamaliel in Acts 5 vs 38 & 39, who
said "therefore, in this present case I advise you;
leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their
purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail
but if it is from God you will not be able to stop
these men; you will only find yourselves fighting
against God".

I want to say like voice of them who are apostles
before me exclaimed "BEWARE OF IDOLATRY"!

Together we shall see ZION become the praise of
his people.

I love you all.

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