Wednesday 23 December 2015

Joy it - Get refreshed by reading this article by Femi Ibitoye

The year is finally at the tail end. I know you had expectations, wishes and desires that topped your list since the beginning of the year. Some actually have become testimony and some seems as if God is not giving ears to them- and they seem to be the tough ones. Disappointments, broken heart, failed promises and all of it gather to make it seem as if you are off the track.

I have heard many a times when people say “a man is in charge of his happiness”. I somewhat agree with that affirmation. Happiness is a relative term. It takes the form of the external event at different periods. It changes overtime. Happiness is a product of the external environment that seeks to influence the internal. If what you cherish so much gets damaged, it has a way of affecting your mood and most likely your disposition for a particular period of time. It is natural. What happens externally then to a large extent has a way of defining if you’d be happy or not. A man who loses his source of income will not naturally begin to merry. In this case, you are not in charge of your happiness but how you react to the circumstance.

Man will keep running after happiness as long as he exist here on earth. Happiness is not final. It isn’t an end. That which you think will bring you happiness today will only in a matter of time extinct and become obsolete. You soon begin to desire more to stay happy.

Yes, I know how much those trying moments, disappointments and all of it hurts. If you seek to find peace through all of that, you’d still end up seeking for more. Your desires isn’t really the final
 point, some are already having those things you desire but at the moment wish they had something better. As much as I pray with you for God to grant those desires, it still won’t overly translate to a lasting peace. Happiness is temporal. Only thing that can sustain happiness is joy. In the midst of your pain, to have happiness you can #JoyIt.

Joy is fixed, it’s a product of your spirit. Joy springs from the Spirit and static. Your feelings change and this is why your desires will not guarantee a long-lasting comfort as it changes with time. Despite how you feel in the midst of unanswered prayers, broken promises, failed expectations the only tool to keep on keeping on and at the end encounter peace is employing joy.  
Joy is when you alienate your thought completely from the events around and concentrate on His word, promises and love. In this, you’d live a more stable life. Inside of this is unwavering peace. I must let you know it is even through this your desires can conform to His and responses become instant. You are not in charge of your happiness, Joy is. It is when a man knows there is more to his life than the failures (earthly things) he can keep going on strong.

“Since you became alive again, so to speak, when Christ arose from the dead, now set your sights on the rich treasures and joys of heaven where he sits beside God in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend your time worrying about things down here.” Col3vs1-3

It’s our month of thanks. You will always have a reason to feel unhappy and just think all is not well. Friend, you need to thank Him for you still have the sense of reasoning. Those circumstances? #JoyIt


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