Monday 4 July 2016

How The Bank Deceives You

Good day friends,

I think you should read this. Information is what you need to succeed.

How do banks deceive people?

Let's figure out quietly and without haste. But you have to strain your brains. It's not easy to unravel in a couple of minutes those things which have been tangled during the centuries by the best sophisticated minds of mankind, seeking only wealth accumulation for their personal needs.

Let’s make an example. Let it be an Adam and Steven and let it be Leonard, a banker of Adam and Steven. They both keep their money in his bank. Adam really wants to buy... well, let's say, Steven’s bicycle but he has no money. More precisely, he has money, but not enough—only $10, while Steven wants as much as $100 for his precious bicycle. That is a problem!

What is Adam going to do? He gives Steven his $10 as a deposit and asks not to sell the bike to anyone. He says that he will bring the remaining sum soon. In the meantime he runs to his bank, to the respected Leonard, to get a loan for the missing $90.

As ill luck Leonard has no money at this moment, but he knows perfectly about $10, which Adam gave Steven. And where will Steven bring this money to? That's right; he will put this $10 in his lovely bank, to the same Leonard. Therefore Leonard asks Adam to come back tomorrow. In the hope that tomorrow he will get this $10.

And everything happens in this way. The next day Steven brings $10 to the bank, the bank provides Adam this $10 on credit. Adam immediately gives them Steven, who again puts them in a bank; the bank again provides Adam this $10 on credit, etc. as long as Adam the fool will gather enough money for the bicycle.

So what do we have in the end? Adam finally got the bike from Steven, but at the same time Adam owes $90 to the bank (Leonard), and the bank, in its turn, owes $100 to Steven.

In other words, that $10, which was existed initially, has magically turned into $200 ($190 of debts plus real $10)!

(But this $10 would also turn into a thousand dollars. Even in a million or a billion! If the purchase was more expensive. In that case our $10 would make the increasing number of its cycles, circuits from hands to hands. That's just the procedure!

So, what happens in today’s world? It appears that banks also draw money without problems? Not only Fed can produce money, but the banks either! And in fact, these banks multiply money without any control! And we're still wondering, why does the banker live better? Is it clear now, why? The one, who produces the money, of course, lives better!

But this is not enough! From this moment poor Adam will never be able to repay his debts owed to the bank! No matter how hard he would work. Now he is in slavery to the bank, in credit bondage forever. Because those $90, which he owes to Leonard, do not exist in nature! At all! Sly Leonard made this money out of nothing; he created them out of thin air! Just one click! And $10 turned into $200.

Yes, but you can object reasonably that the bank itself owes $100 to Steven. And it turns out, that bank is in credit bondage to Steven and it won’t be able to repay its debts owed to Steven either. So where is the bank’s profit? What's the trick?

Ha! You ask what the trick is! This trick is in the fact, that bank has a lot of such "Stevens", thousands and millions, and they will never come for their money all at once. If one Steven comes, the bank will return him the money of ten other depositors, that's it. It means that the bank’s debt is neither dangerous nor burdensome. In fact, bank’s debt is virtual, it exists only on the paper or in the computer program. It will never be repaid in reality. Only in case of panic it happens, when frightened "Stevens" suddenly come for their money—all at once! Or maybe you know any other reason why banks go bankrupt from time to time? Here's why. Because there is no enough money for all depositors! There is a 90% of thin air in the bank vaults.

Thus, the bank is OK. It sails before the wind. We don’t need to worry about it. But our Adam has serious problems now. He has to repay all the debts owed in bank! Completely!! Moreover, with interests and, possibly, penalties. He will be forced to take new credits in order to repay the old ones. Then again the new loan and again and again endlessly, until his death! And there is no way out of this credit running knot. It does not exist in principle! That's it! Trap has been slammed. Now Adam is a perpetual debtor of the bank. He is a slave. From now on he will work for the bank for years on end until he dies. But still he won’t repay the debts. And after his death his children and grandchildren will work for this bank. They all are the future servants of banks. More precisely, they are servants of this inefficient and unfair global financial system, which spawned this ruthless and inhuman mechanism. And this mechanism must be finally destroyed.

MMM has provided an escape route for us. A way to to balance between the poor and the rich. Wait! This is not the normal networking business you hear about. This is a sure way to become a Millionaire within a month. You think this is scam? Well, you will forever remain where you are like poor Adam—slave to the bank. 

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