Sunday 25 September 2016

Cryptocurrency: Register, Login with Swisscoin and be next Millionaire

Welcome to wealth in advance. If you've been searching for how to make money with Swisscoin, you're in the right place. 

From the way things are going, it's obvious that cryptocurrency is the future of payment.

In the past few months many Cryptocurrency companies have risen up and the speed at which they are penetrating the financial system is mind boggling.

Don't just wait there, clueless and resistant to change.

Needless to say, the world is changing really fast and almost every physical law is being broken every day.

Humans are stretching beyond limits and barriers.

Also Read: Frequently Asked Questions About Swisscoin 

In fact, it will be dumb to say anything is impossible. The right word to use now is  "improbable" - likely to happen.

Darwin said, “Only the creature that adapts in the circle of life truly survives. Things change around us. Means of communication changes. Consuming pattern change. Industries change. 

Almost everything I know of changes except God Almighty. From diskette to CD, from CD to flash drives, from flash drives to clouds. Who knows? The next one might be from clouds to heavens.

Things are randomly changing and you just don’t sit there crying, wishing and blaming your poor uncle in the village for your failure. 

Now, means of payment are gradually changing from credit cards to "digital money". 

I fear for the future Paypal,  because very soon, they will be out of business like Nokia and Blackberry.

Their days are numbered!

My dear, don't sit there asking so many questions....

Your inaction will not affect the price of garri in the market.

The earlier you embrace the future, the better for all of us.

Cryptocurrency is the future. Your credit card is gradually becoming the past.
Embrace the future. Embrace cryptocurrency.

Those are words by my friend, Maverick. 

One of such cryptocurrency is Swisscoin. 

SwissCoin is a new digital currency also known as cryptocurrency created by a Switzerland-based company with a partnership with different business partners from Germany. 5000 partners are backing up the coin right from start, and Werner Marquetant is the CEO of the
company. Marquetant is a swiss resident.

Cryptocurrency also referred to as “digital money” with the newly invented blockchain technology was established in 2009 with BitCoin as the first company to
join market by 2009. Since then, the world of digital currency has been dominated by BitCoin. 

BitCoin started trading at $0.02 and was later sold at over $1100 after four years. 

Currently, BitCoin is valued at close to $700. 

For some time now, there have been some issues and pitfalls with BitCoin, and this compels many to go in search of a perfect and reliable substitute for the digital
currency company. With the emergence of SwissCoin, I believe this quest has finally come to an end as SwissCoin possesses some exciting features that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Kristoffer Koch from Norway heard about BitCoin in 2009 and decided to invest $27 in it. The results was $886,000 by 2013. Wow! I'm sure you wanna start now but wait! 

Let's do the calculation.... With just $27,  he has gotten $886,000. 

 If we want to convert that to Naira that's lots of money with just $27. 

Let's do the calculation before I proceed? As at now, 1$ = 600 and dollar keeps increasing.

886,000 x 600 as at current Nigeria money.

Wow! That's 531600000 naira.

A lot of millionaires were made way back 2009 and beyond after the launch of BitCoin. 

Remember I said BitCoin is currently valued at $700 per coin.

Now come to think of it, imagine you were opportune to buy BitCoins worth $500 back then with 1 BitCoin valued at $0.02 during inception. How many coins will you have
gotten with that $500?

Let’s do the math:

Since a BitCoin is valued at $0.02, then $500 will yield ($500/$0.02) = 25000 coins.


As I mentioned earlier, BitCoin today is valued at $700 per coin, and you have 25000 with you already. Friend, please grab a calculator and do some math again.

1 BitCoin = $700

25000 BitCoins = (25000 x $700) $17,500,000

Wow! That’s a whopping 17 million dollars in just a few years of investing without doing any work. 

It sounds crazy, but believe me, it did happened and a lot of people were transformed into millionaires and billionaires after the incident. 

Kristoffer Koch is an example of such people. You can Google search his story for confirmation or read his story here.

However, you do not need to bear any regrets about missing such an opportunity as there is another golden chance of this kind knocking at the door.

SwissCoin is here to make you smile, to give you financial freedom. All you need to do is grab hold of this chance and become a benefactor of this multi-million project. 

This is how it goes:

If you invest €250, you will receive 2,500 tokens in your Swisscoin account and you will also receive one split. A split doubles your tokens, and there is a minimum monthly split of 1 and maximum of 3 splits, depending on the pack you choose.

Swisscoin currently mines at (2/1) meaning you get 1 Swisscoin out of 2 tokens in the mining process. As more coins are mined over time, the difficulty tends to increase.

Your 2,500 tokens will double (since the 2,500 package has one split per month) when the split occurs it will give you a total of 5,000 tokens. But the difficulty level is 2 now. That means it will be divided by 2. 

5000 tokens divided by two.

That's 2500 tokens, and 2500 Swisscoin. 

What does this mean?

When Swisscoin is valued at only €1, your investment of €250 would be worth €2,500 since you have 2,500 coins. The more money you invest, the more your return on investment increases.

And €1 to naira now is about ₦600, okay let's do some calculations.  €2,500 x 600 will give you ₦1500000 right? 

5000 x 600 =....? That's 3000000 with just investing €250.

And this will be after split.

So, the more the split the more your MONEY!!

Assuming you have bought your package before the last split, it would have been just 1/1

That means no division.

Now, How do you Withdraw Your Commissions Bonuses? 

After you must have earned some commission in your SwissCoin wallet, you have a couple of ways to withdraw
your fund;

1. Cash-out to bank account. 
2. Using SwissCoin MasterCard which will be available by September 2016 but has been postponed to next year.
3. Reinvest your fund into buying more coins and earning more money. 

When receiving a commission with SwissCoin, 60% goes to cash account free for you to use and 40% goes to mandatory trading account, used to purchase more packs/tokens to generate even more SwissCoins for you to continue accumulating more income.

Also, you can sell directly to merchants (companies that buy and sell cryptocurrency). 

You can exchange it with foreign goods.

You can also sell globally, your dormicinary bank account will be funded either in €, ¥, $...and then you send the coin. 

The company itself has its market strategy to help you sell your coin when you want to. 

I'm sure you wanna be Rich as much as I want to. That's why I share this information for free. 

You register with Swisscoin here.

Video: Swisscoin Split Indicator 
Explained and How to Buy Packs 

Swisscoin is SCAM! That’s what I hear from some individuals. They are very sure about it and they’ve made up their minds not to even give it a try. They believe they are correct!
Some are on the fence. They keep asking ‘Is Swisscoin a SCAM?’

Now, the more they hang around, asking questions, time is going. But here is a simple question:
Will you risk €500 and stand the chance of being the next millionaire or spend your money now (on Hamburger, roasted fish, beer, dresses, women, etc) and stand the chance of regretting (seriously) afterward?
Scam or Ponzi!
Whatever you think and say (or write) may not really have an influence on some positive minds. Risk bearers and  investors are optimistic.
I think there are very few people on earth who break through and these are people who see the positive side of things. The truth is, they are the winners.
The same things were said of BitCoin and a bunch of people are wallowing in regrets as we speak. You may join them very soon if you don’t step forward and create a free SwissCoin account.
Admit it or not, you have lost a huge amount in the past on some flashy offers. Now you are scared. Of course it’s said “Once bitten by a snake, you get even more scared of an earthworm
You failed in the past. Yes but does that mean you should retreat?
No brave soldiers surrenders after failing in a battle. The war continues
According to to Donald Trump, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war”.

Have you been told SwissCoin is Scam?

You probably were motivated and you were at the point of taking a positive step. You had everything set to invest but someone fired some waves of discouragement into your spine.
You have changed your mind! You just went back to join the camp of the 90% who are failing. That’s just it.
But here is what’s happening…
Many of those who say Swisscoin is scam (or this or that opportunity is scam) end up investing and by the time they take their decisions to a positive change, they won’t come back to you. They are moving on and you are stagnant.

What do you do now?

SwissCoin is giving out 100 free coins to everyone of the first 1000,000 miners. That makes a total of free 100,000,000 free coins.
Create your free account now and secure your free coins. Once you make up your mind to invest, those coins would have been in your account. Note that this free gift will end with the 1000,000th new member.
Congratulations if you just created your account! 
Before you buy your pack, make sure you fill your biodata. To fill your biodata, just click on 'Basic Data' as shown below and then click on 'My Data'.
You can also join our Whatsapp group where seminars take place almost everyday. Click here to join automatically. 
In case you have any questions, use the comment box below. 

Also, if you need the link to the PowerPoint Slides that contain more information about Swisscoin, comment with your email below and I will send it to you. 


  1. thank you, my email is

  2. What is the work of a Sponsor?

    1. Your Sponsor is to educate you more about Cryptocurrency, Guide you about Swisscoin and work as Team with you.



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