Monday 19 December 2016

Youth Arise: A Movement of Ordinary Nigerians Doing Extraordinary Things

After reading this communique, I felt a strong force in me to support the vision with my blog and I decided to offer CloudGossips for the propagation of the Vision.

Read the communique below and get inspired.


The meeting started at about 5:15 Nigeria time with taken of the second stanza of the national anthem as the opening prayers. The meeting was moderated by Babajide Kolawole from Ekiti State Nigeria.

Attendance during the meeting was a total number of 29 members who came across the states of Nigeria especially the South West, South South and Niger Delta. Jide Kolawole appreciated the members who came from Uyo, Benin and Delta State for their nation building sacrifice. Mr Kayode Osunnubi from Ogun State briefed the meeting about the imperative, ideology and the vision of the movement.

In his briefing, he x-rayed leadership in all African nation and gave the average age of African leaders to be 65years, he posited that leadership has failed in Africa especially Nigeria and that the older generation has had their share in leading the nation and has proved beyond doubt that they lack the ideas, zeal and patriotism to build a great nation.

Hence, the youth being the larger percentage of the nation must rise from their slumber and decide to rescue the nation from valley of bad governance. He emphasized that youth must come together irrespective of their religion, ethnicity and educational background to wrestle with the nations principalities and power to get our nation back from the backward thinking leaders that has seized the instrumentalities of power for a long period of time without any record of achievement.

He concluded that Youth Arise 2019 is not a platform formed by ambition or personal interest but a front for a more calculated youth participation with a vision not to support old politician but to support and front the introduction of young Nigerians with great idea, passion, strength, patriotism and zeal to deliver leadership devoid of personal interest but greatly motivated by the interest of the people and the mindset of heralding a great revolution of the mind that will change the political landscape of the country.

Olawale Kadri from Ekiti State was called by the moderator to brief the meeting on where we are. In his response he maintained that the nation has been

dragged into an abyss of humanistic regression through visionless and purposeless leadership and we have only two options to choose from, either to seat down and continue to watch while complaining and wailing especially on the social media or stand up and fight to bequeath of children a better nation. He said that we have decided to back our words with action and the revolution is already starting. He posited that since we don’t have the weapon to win a war, we can win an election if we strategically position ourselves to wrestle power and connect with all other youths in the country.

He said we are more than them, and we can win them (referring to the old generation leaders) Currently we are extending the movement to our friends across all other geo-political zones and the report has been overwhelming, he stressed that Kano and Abuja comrades who believed in the ideas and ideology of the movement has started mobilizing and we shall start visiting each state to meet with other young Nigerian with the intention of extending the frontiers of the movement.

Kolawole Babajide buttressed further that while we are creating awareness and meeting people to extend the frontier of the movement, we’ll continue to engage in value addition activities by training the youths, educating them and empowering them to be self reliance through skill acquisition programmes and solution focused event.

The floor was opened for opinion and good will messages and members gave suggestions and opinion to move the organization forward.

1. That Youth Arise must engage in mass awareness and extension drive through communication of the movement ideology, ideas, vision and programmes to the larger society
2. Visitations to States where youth has shown interest starting from Oyo State, Abuja and Kano in the first quarter of next year.
3. That campus activation of revolutionary mind must start in earnest.
4. That we must always publicly identify with the yearnings and aspiration of the people through our actions and programmes.
5. That personal interest must not be our driving force but the general interest of the Nigerian people through provision of policy alternatives and outline a blue print for the movement in preparation for leadership.
6. That a social media platforms be created to further acclimatize people with our ideology, ideas and visions.
7. That we must engage every means possible to support the not too young bill until it becomes law
8. That consultation to join a political party where we can build together must start in earnest as we cannot get political power without political platform. However such platform must be a platform where we’ll join in building from the scratch as youth may not be able to compete with the money bags, corrupt Nigerians and old generation in all the already established political parties.
9. That we must get a legal consultant to handle our litigations
10. That we must be ready to sacrifice all for the revolution ahead as it may means some night in police net, some bullets in some chest and some days, month, years in the jail.

The meeting therefore collapsed into round table get to know better and discussions. The meeting was adjourned till a date to be announced and in Ibadan, Oyo State, after adjournment motion had been validly moved.

Please note this is not a minute of the meeting but a communiqué and decision extract.

Signed: All members present.

N/B: More pictures shall be added as we await the photographer

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After reading this communique, I felt a strong force in me to support the vision with my blog and I decided to offer CloudGossips for the ...